Best Lose Weight Fast Diets –Day 1

Today is Day One of my lose weight fast diets …

And I feel terrific. Let me tell you what my plan is.
I will tell you on a regular basis exactly how I am progressing. Of course, I had planned to blog daily, but that just is not going to happen. But, I promise to post regularly.
I’ll tell you what I am eating. How I am feeling. I’ll tell you if I exercised or not. At the end of each month, I’ll tell you if I lost any weight, and how much I loss, if anything.
I want to jump start my diet.  Nothing succeeds like excess – excess weight loss that is.
I am starting with a combo liquid diet / detox diet. I used to do a lot of juicing, and fresh organic juice is the very best for us. It tastes great, but it would be a real pain for me to do that now.  So, I am using the following products.
Part of my lose weight fast diets – Garden Greens
This is my stash of garden greens products.
Super ORAC Green Powders
Super ORAC Green Powders
I told you I don’t like monotony,so I’ll be trying out several different flavor varieties every day.
You see my little mini-blender in the corner. I like to use this because it mixes the powders well in about 1-2 seconds. You will probably have a few lumps if you mix by hands,and that just tastes yucky,as far as I am concerned.

This is a detox diet for me.

I know that anyone carrying around a bunch of weight has a lot of toxins that their bodies must eliminate. So,I want to do that right away to ease the strain on my body. Detox diets are great when you start any lose weight fast diets.
There’s an interesting article,“Do detox diets offer any health benefits?”
Dr. Michael Picco states:
“Detox diets vary. But the basic premise is to temporarily give up certain foods that are thought to contain “toxins,”such as meat,sugar,certain grains,dairy products and caffeine. Detox diets typically start with fasting followed by a strict diet of raw vegetables,fruit and fruit juices,and water. In addition,some detox diets advocate using herbal laxatives,antioxidants and colon cleansing (enemas) to help “clean”out the intestine and liver. The duration of such regimens often ranges from seven to 10 days.”
You’ll have to decide for yourself if detox diets make you feel better. I know that the answer for me is a resounding “yes”. I just can’t stay on a detox diet for more than a week because I get too hungry,but I feel great during and after the diet.
Now,let’s go back to my quest to lose

100 Pounds in 1 Year

In order to lose 100 pounds in one year, I must lose on average about two pounds a week.
Ideal lose weight fast diets combine eating less and exercising more. We all know that diet combined with exercise is the way to go. You need to cut your caloric consumption and increase your metabolism through exercise. That’s the sure-fire and proven way to lose weight.
I consider any meal plan that permits me to lose two pounds a week or more – to be one of the lose weight fast diets. For the first 3-4 months, I will focus on decreasing the number of calories I ingest.  I will concentrate primarily on reducing carbs because starches and sugars are my Achilles heel.
That’s priority number one for me. I’ll increase my exercise later – slowly but surely.
I just want to remind everyone that I am not offering weight loss advice. You should consult your physician for that. What I am doing is writing about my desire to lose weight,and I am telling anyone who chooses to read my blog what I am doing about it. I am not advocating any particular course of action for you. I’m simply telling you what I am doing and how effective my actions are.

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