There are lots of ways to lose 3 pounds a week, but not all of them are healthy. There are just too many unhealthy ways to drop pounds, and shedding them that quickly all but ensures they’ll come back. That being said, there are healthy, safe ways to do it. If you need to jump start your weight loss with some quick weight loss tips, you simply have to make sure you’re using healthful, legitimate techniques – like the ones I have for you hear! You also have to be realistic, and remember that as you continue, losing 1-2 pounds a week really is monumental. You also need to be aware that plateaus are a given, but they don’t mean you’ve failed. They’re entirely natural! So, bearing all that in mind, here are some key pointers if you’re interested in losing 3 pounds in a week.
One of the best ways to lose 3 pounds a week is to make water your drink of choice. Naturally, it’s a better choice than soda or energy drinks, that goes without saying. However, try to cut down on smoothies and fruit juices, as well. You don’t have to cut out natural juices and things like that completely, but water doesn’t have any calories, it keeps your body hydrated, and it quenches your thirst better than anything else. You’ll get rid of water weight and improve your metabolism. You can’t beat that! If you really don’t like the taste of water, you can definitely give it a little zing. Just toss in a wedge of your favorite citrus fruit or some mint.
I’m not going to tell you to stop eating carbohydrates. Your body needs them to function properly, and without them, your weight loss isn’t going to be that healthy. However, one great way to lose 3 pounds a week is to simply stay away from refined carbs. Go with whole grain breads and pastas instead of white bread and pasta. Avoid refined sugar, too. Remember, fresh veggies and fruits are healthy alternatives, too. They’ll give you all the carbs you need.
Too much sodium is just bad. If you’re eating foods with lots of sodium, then you’re going to retain a ton of water. In addition to drinking water, decreasing your salt intake is so important. Try to stop eating foods that are heavily processed, for a start. If you love spices, seasoning, and flavorings, look for alternatives to salt. Stop sprinkling it all over your food. A little honestly goes a long way, so try to cut back and see where it gets you.
When you’re trying to lose weight, completely cutting foods out of your diet is the surest way to start craving them. Nevertheless, this is one of the most essential ways to lose 3 pounds a week, because it’s an exercise in will power. If you love sweets, you do not have to stop eating sweets entirely. Just stop eating jelly doughnuts, Milky Way bars, or chocolate chip cookies. If you’re a fan of salty foods, try to stop eating potato chips or French fries. And don’t worry: once you’ve exercised control over your favorites, then you’re ready to moderate!
A lot of quick weight loss tips advise you to start counting calories, but I’m not doing that, not exactly. What you need to do is calculate how many calories you need to consume a healthy diet that gives you all the vitamins and nutrients you need. Rather than thinking about what you shouldn’t be eating, you actually need to make sure that you’re getting a safe, healthy amount of calories every day. This also teaches you to make better choices. For instance, you’ll learn to give up high calorie foods in favor of lean proteins and healthy carbs. Remember, never, ever take in less than 1,200 calories each day – ever. That’s not safe, it’s not healthy, and it will do much more harm than good.
This is the most self-evident weight loss tip in the world, but it’s also the one of which we most often need to be reminded. You have to burn more calories than you take in if you want to lose any weight. Staying active, whether you’re going to the gym, engaging in a workout routine at home, or even going for long jogs or bike rides each day, is essential. The best way to burn more calories is to get your heart pumping, which brings me to…
Incorporating cardio exercises into your daily routine is unquestionably one of the most successful ways to lose 3 pounds a week. You have to work your heart. Play a sport, go jogging, start full out running, or make sure you swim every day. Exercises like push ups, sit ups, crunches, and things of that nature are essential as well. At the gym, head to the treadmill, the stair stepper, and definitely the elliptical. It’s not just about weight loss, either. This is good for your body, period.
Getting some more sleep, even if it’s only half an hour, will ultimately help you, too. When you’re well rested, you make better choices. That means you’ll have an easier time eating healthierfoods and getting the exercise you need. It really doesn’t have to be a lot. Even if you go to bed thirty minutes earlier or get up fifteen minutes later, you’ll notice a difference.
As long as you follow along with these healthy ways to lose 3 pounds in a week, you’ll be keeping your body in good shape and you won’t be nearly as likely to gain back everything you’ve lost. It’s all about eating right and staying active, regularly. Although your weight loss may taper, it will be continuous, a slow and steady progression that will leave you looking and feeling fantastic!