Participating In a 90-Day Challenge To Lose Weight and Gain Muscle

It's a constant struggle to find ways to stay motivated in a way that empowers us to help ourselves. We are having to decide on how to make ends meet and our health has taken a back seat to our daily struggles to survive. The average cost to feed a family of four monthly, is between $800 - $1000. It's obvious to me why it's difficult for a mother or father to think about spending additional monies to improve their health. Most of us don't understand how important good nutrition keeps us out of the doctors offices.
In today's climate of fast fixes and limited incomes, fast foods have become a convenient staple for people on the run, people too tired to cook and people at the lowest income levels. The consequences of eating products consisting of non food fillers, hormones, antibiotics and a variety of additional non-nutritious ingredients, is rarely considered for their long term negative effects on our health and that of our families.
The financial consequences of poor food choices is a large part of what is devastating our health, the health of our children, our economy and the environment we live in. Sadly there are people who don't consider the negative impacts of eating these fast foods at all.
A study was done that estimated Americans in general spend about 15% of their income on their vices, and other things they don't need in their efforts to keep themselves entertained and amused. Wall St did a review and estimated that foods purchased away from home accounted for 5.3% of the average Americans income with the lowest annual incomes ($5000 and less) purchasing fast food the most.
Good health is our right and we should do everything in our power to make the best food selections available. The benefits to making healthy choices, exercising and getting adequate amounts of rest each day is too easily measured to be ignored.
Meal Choices Benefits
Choosing better foods can reverse the effects of a number of ailments including type II diabetes, high blood pressure, breathing issues, allergies and sleep apnea. All of this and we get the added bonus of weight loss. Taking charge of your plate can also save you money by alleviating the unnecessary and expensive doctor trips that come with being unhealthy, overweight or obese.
The Benefits of Exercise
Finding an exercise that you can commit too will have a wide range of benefits beyond weight loss. Exercise is good for your bones, your flexibility and improving your balance. Exercising has also been shown to improve moods and alleviate stress.
The Benefits of Rest
The body repairs itself while you sleep. During restful sleep the mind is in a better place to workout the kinks of our daily life.
The Benefits of joining a 90-Day Challenge
90-Day Challenges goes beyond the limits of the traditional weight loss processes and opens the door for people from all communities to come together. You don't have to do anything alone. The challenges work with individuals, partners, couples and families.
Just Remember You will Achieve when you Believe you can Succeed.
Get a free program by suscribing HERE .

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Five Things to Avoid With Your Weight Loss Diet Menu

Sticking to your weight loss diet menu can be a trying task. The temptation, the cravings and all of the foods that you know you should not be eating. For certain, adhering to any diet plan can be a real effort that takes confidence and commitment as well as resolution to see through to the end. The more tips that you have along the way with your weight loss diet menu-all the better that you can stick to it by avoiding key culprits that will assuredly encourage weight gain. Be sure to veer clear of the following antagonistic foodstuffs for the best results with your weight loss diet menu.
Fried Foods 
Fried foods are the harbinger of fatty weight gains, period. Foods that are fried contain the worst kinds of fats; fats like saturated fats that your body struggles to process. These fats often have a one track mind: they head directly to your problem areas and stick around for quite some time. Be sure to avoid them if you want to see success with your weight loss diet plan.
Sugary Foods
Sugary foods are nearly as terrible for your health and play as much detriment to your weight loss diet menu as fatty and fried foods do. Sugars, particularly refined sugars, hamper the body's ability to process foods. They also are commonly stored in fat reserves, or generally just head to the rest of the fatty areas and settle right on in.
Preservatives are very questionable ingredients for any diet plan. Countless studies have concluded that most of the preservatives in processed foods are bad news for your health, and for those seeking to stick with a weight loss diet menu. It's advisable that you refrain from consuming any processed foods for the best results.
Caffeine can be consumed moderately. However, it does constrict the blood vessels and restricts the body's ability to operate at full capacity. If you need caffeine to survive, minimize your intake of it. Most commonly, people gain weight because of the condiments they add to coffee, and not from the actual beverage itself.
Alcohol is never good for any diet plan. The toxins within it can cause a myriad of known health issues. And beer is a very fatty beverage with mostly empty calories, including wheat. Stay far away from alcoholic beverages of any type with your diet menu for the most advantageous results.
CLICK HERE  to get free ebook to help you to lose 10pounds quick.

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Problems With Obesity - 5 Traps to Avoid and Stop the Obesity Epidemic (Don't Do These!)

Millions everyday face problems with obesity. Obesity is a very serious condition and should not be taken lightly. There is no doubt an obesity epidemic.
Can it be prevented? Can the epidemic be reversed?
If you are obese or at risk take these 5 traps into consideration and incorporate them into your life with your obesity battle.
Trap 1 - I have bad genetics
This is a very common excuse to defend being overweight and obese. No matter what type of genetics you got from your parents, whether good or bad can fix a bad diet and lack of activity or exercise.
Instead of blaming your gene pool take responsibility for what you do. Take responsibility for what you put in your mouth and how much activity you do. You can't pass the buck forever; eventually you need to take responsibility for your actions.
Trap 2 - I have thyroid problems
In some instances this can be a legitimate reason for being obese. But for others this is another excuse or cop-out.
Even if you do have a slow or sluggish thyroid there are plenty of foods you can eat to speed up your metabolism. Eggs, salmon, broccoli, black beans, and citrus fruits are a few great examples.
Trap 3 - I don't have time to exercise
Most people have super busy schedules and they don't have time to do everything they want. But don't let your busy schedule stop you from working out. Regular exercise at least 3 times a week can stop and prevent weight gain problems.
Question. Do you have 10 to 20 minutes a day to devote to exercising?
You can construct a quality workout that lasts 10 to 20 minutes around your schedule. The key is to get your heart rate up to burn calories.
Trap 4 - I'm too old
Whenever someone uses this excuse, I quickly ask them if they know who Tony Horton is (he is the creator of P90X). Then I bring it to their attention that he is in his mid 50's.
He is in better shape than most of the population and he is in his 50's. He is more ripped than most guys in their 20's.
Trap 5 - I don't have energy to exercise
This a funny excuse since you actually are more energized when you workout. If you are dragging butt, get a quick workout in to get your energy levels up.
A great question you should ask yourself is... Do I love myself enough to take care of my body? When you answer this question honestly you will face your problems with obesity head on and conquer them. 
For more concepts and tips enter your email in the box above.

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Which Diet Is Best For You? 3 Easy Steps To Figure Out What Diet Will Work The Most Effective

Have you been searching for an effective diet that can get you the results that you have been wishing for? Do you keep running into dead-end diets that either don't work, they are too difficult to stick to, or you end up regaining whatever weight you've lost? Well, if you have been suffering from those setbacks, and you want to figure out which diet is best for you, then here are 3 easy steps that will help you pick out the right program!
First Things First...
There are a handful of diets that are proven effective, and there are PLENTY that are ineffective, unsafe, and will do nothing but leave you with side-effects and a lighter wallet/purse!
Effective diets are NATURAL diets based on boosting your metabolism, eating REAL foods, and dieting in a way that makes it easy for you to CONTINUE living a healthy lifestyle... for life. As you can see, that pretty much rules out most of the diets you see advertised all over the place!
Ineffective diets are UNNATURAL diets based on doing some type of restrictive dieting technique. This could be you eating only one or two types of foods, starving yourself, reducing calories too much, and more. These types of diets will do nothing for you except slow down your metabolism and cause side-effects!
Now, Here Is How To Figure Out Which Diet Is Best For You...
Step 1 - Figure out what goals you are trying to achieve. Are you trying to lose a lot of weight or a little bit of weight? Are you trying to burn off body fat? Are you trying to build muscle? Etc.
This is important, because the better diets out there are tailored towards different people with different goals.
For example, if you are trying to lose a lot of weight, then a metabolism boosting diet would be a good idea. Or, if you only have a little bit of weight to lose, then a natural lifestyle change diet would work better. Or, if you are trying to burn off lots of body fat, then a carb cycling diet would work best.
Step 2 - Do you have a busy lifestyle? If so, then it would be best to ensure that the diet you want to go on is not based around doing things that can make it difficult for you to stick to the diet. For example, eating meals that take awhile to cook and prepare. A good diet that is an ideal for someone who has a busy lifestyle would be carb cycling diets or an intermittent fasting diet.
Step 3 - Consider how much you can invest... on not just the diet... but what that the diet recommends you to eat during the diet. Some diet programs either have prepackaged meals that are sent to you (which are not healthy for you by the way), and this can get REALLY expensive. Not to mention, to get into the diet, the initial price is also expensive. Also, some diets recommend eating nothing but organic foods... and that certainly can get pricey.
In The End...
If you for one, make sure that you are choosing one of the more natural diets, and secondly, you consider those 3 steps above, then you should have no problem easily figuring out which type of diet program is best for you!

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